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Greetings 2021
2020, a year to forget ? A year ago, when everything was “normal”, when the world was only concerned about the global warming (or was it?), when we could fly and travel like never before, we wrote in our year-end greetings that 2020 will be the year of CALYPS (or will not be). Well, we

Tages Anzeiger (FOKUS) 20.11.2020
Enough hospital beds thanks to Big Data The Tages-Anzeiger published on 20.11.2020 in the FOKUS supplement dedicated to the future of technology an article about Calyps and its artificial intelligence specialized in the optimization of patient flows within the hospital. An article that goes beyond a simple description! Tages Anzeiger / FOKUS : 20.11.2020

L’analyse prédictive ou comment anticiper le comportement du conso-acteur
Si au 20ème siècle le consommateur régnait en maître, au 21ème siècle le conso-acteur a pris le relais Et de quelle façon ! Avant il se contentait de se plaindre (un peu), de comparer (parfois) et de négocier (s’il le pouvait). Mais maintenant, pensez, non seulement il se plaint, mais en plus il le fait