Qlinik Toolkit
Sharing information within complex structures such as clinics and medical centers is not an easy task: several applications generating critical data for the management of the institution are used whether by the nursing or the administrative staff. With Qlinik toolkit, benefit from our developments for the health ecosystem since 2012. Our data alchemists have been able to reconcile data sources and automate reporting, providing proven numbers to all stakeholders.

Explore activities in your clinic at 360°. Analyze results and set reports globally, by service, by employee or by patient
Key features
Qlinik toolkit offers dashboards that reconcile various data sources (e.g. Opale, Polypoint, ClevEHR, Carefolio, etc.) within a medical institution, providing synthetic views on:
Compatibility : ClevEHR, Opale, Polypoint, EDL
Types of visits (illness, accident, outpatient, hospitalization, maternity)
The use of human resources, rooms and technical equipments
Analysis of medical services occurred
Personalized financial statements, automatically distributed
Normalized data
same information distributed to
to all your teams
> 2 days
each month, for the preparation and
sending of financial reports
Dashboards easy to read and adaptable to the specific needs of an institution
Data available daily on customized dashboards or reinjected into your information systems
Optimization of medical coding that can lead to an acceleration of the reimbursement process
Significant time savings with automated monthly reports
Our on-demand webinars
OPALE, ClevEHR: Instantly interact with multi-source data [Record only in FR]
The specific developments carried out by CALYPS for the healthcare ecosystem since 2012 have made it possible to exploit the available data sources in order to automate reporting, offering proven figures for the administration, the finance department, the medical department or the human resources department.
OPALE, POLYPOINT: HR management in a hospital environment [Record only in FR]
Sharing information within complex organisations such as regional hospitals or clinics is not an easy task. Several applications generating critical data for the management of the institution are essential to the nursing and administrative staff.