Data Scientists, these new alchemists


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Like many other species, Homo sapiens does not like change. However, over time he has been able to adapt to his environment like no other before him, from the Stone Age to the post-industrial era.

By extension, so-called “legal” persons often advocate a change in customer behaviors, but find it difficult to reorganize themselves when the situation requires it… Between Summer 2020 and January 2021, Swiss-based Calyps underwent a perilous exercise of self-questioning, before making its transformation definitely happen and communicating its corporate mission.

From data alchemists to digital transformers

With the advent of the Internet, data has become the “oil of the 21st century” and remains at the heart of the digital transformation taking place in our globalized world.

For more than twenty years, Calyps has been working for a fair use of information issued from data. In 2017, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed by its young team of data scientists became the logical continuation. Applied to the medical ecosystem, then to education (2020) and finance (2021), AI brings a tribute: data transformed into real actionable information. A transmutation that reminds of alchemists in the Middle Ages, who wanted to turn lead into gold.

In Europe, following the 12th-century Renaissance originated by the translation of Medieval Islamic works on science and the rediscovery of Aristotelian philosophy, alchemists played a significant role in early modern science such as chemistry and medicine*.

As a new kind of grey matter, AI’s potential goes beyond the area of influence of decision-makers validating a data project. Indeed, leveraging Quality of Work-Life (QWL) is the new gold sought by data alchemists working at Calyps. Its new mission says it all:

Making data useful to organisations and their individuals
the value of this grey matter is only worthwhile if shared with employees.

Relieving the mental load

Michael Page Switzerland announced on 13 February 2021**

“From January 2020 to January 2021, five key job categories stand out: customer service (+13%), real estate (+12%), health & life sciences (8%), IT (+6%) and financial controlling & accounting (+5%).

A vast majority of teams are suffering from COVID-19, the recession due to a business downturn, a team reorganization, when not undergoing an unforeseen increase in activity. As an example, PhD Hugo Flayac, Head of research at Calyps, detailed in this article how he fixes tension (or stress) within a hospital. Above and beyond the activity rate, the mental load as experienced by any employee determines his or her stress level.

Among Calyps’ values, an important one leaves time and space for perceptions to be revealed: open-mindedness. The team is composed of different backgrounds, cultures, skills and ideals. Everyone accepts these differences and is non judgmental. Truth is made up of many facets, each of which is essential to take a good measure of the whole. Continuing this quest despite obstacles and doubts, what an orchestrated change!

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*Source: Wikipedia
**Source: Le Temps