la Source

From Business Intelligence to data science including machine learning, our clients testify to the success they have had with a better use of data, as by Clinique la source Inc. (analytics)
Located in Lausanne, Switzerland, Clinique de La Source (CLS) is the region’s leading private multidisciplinary acute care
in the region, in terms of inpatient and outpatient capacity.

La Source has set itself the objective of improving the quality and efficiency of patient services and to increase the comfort level of its employees by controlling factors such as: appointment scheduling appointments, waiting times, room occupancy rates, medical report preparation times, financial financial activity at all levels, etc

L’implémentation de CALYPS Qockpit, une suite de tableaux de bord interactifs et dynamiques, est mise en œuvre progressivement, en commençant par le développement d’un modèle de données universel permettant d’assurer :
- une vue top-down harmonisée ;
- un calcul unifié des indicateurs de pilotage – que ce soit du point de vue du décisionnaire ou du conseiller ;
- une profondeur historique sur N mois flottants.

It was in this precise context that La Source called on the skills of the CALYPS team to implement for the implementation of radiological activity management dashboards. These now make it possible to reliable indicators that facilitate decision-making in 3 main areas:
- Technical
- Patient management
- Financial
To achieve this 360° vision, the solution integrates both data strictly related to radiology (source: EDL) as well as data providing a comprehensive view of performance, particularly in terms of sales (source: OPALE). In order to improve knowledge management, each indicator is described. The documentation is directly accessible online.